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Earth Mysteries - Earth Energies - Dowsing - Etc.
Letter to Robin—Walter Woods—simplest manual on how to dowse with pendulum. Available for free at
Spiritual Dowsing—Sig Lonegren (Gothic Image. 1986)—basic simple dowsing instruction book, which extends the use of dowsing toward spiritual development, personal healing and sensing earth energies. Includes my favorite short summary of theories on ancient alignments and uses of sacred sites.
The Diviner’s Handbook—Tom Graves (1977, 1986) - a complete and clearly laid out workbook explaining everything you need to know to learn dowsing on your own, or to improve your skills and accuracy. The exercises, suggestions about the mental process and techniques to use toward dowsing for any object of piece of information make this the best instruction book. 191 pp. pb.
To join the American Society of Dowsers, find a local chapter near you, order books from them, or get a referral to a local professional dowser, go to their website or call HQ in Danville VT at 802-684-3417.
Earth’s Sacred Places
The Earth Spirit: Its Ways, Shrines, and Mysteries—John Michell ( 1975; 1989)—the best book to start with to grasp the notion of sense of place and to acquire a background on the roots of geomancy. Paints a broad overview of earth-centered, spiritual traditions from around the world and the variety of places regarded as sacred. It elucidates the beliefs about the Earth as a living being held by ancient cultures, which shaped their culture, customs and form of geomancy. It surveys the belief that: the Earth Spirit animates the landscape; resides most vibrantly in the places we call sacred; as well as the methods used to detect the abode and movement of the Earth Spirit. 96 pp., pb.
Sacred Places: How the Living Earth Seeks Our Friendship—James Swan (Bear & Co. 1990)—survey of types of sacred places, extraordinary experiences and how to visit them with respect. Focuses on the societal forces threatening the existence of holy ground and the difficulties in protecting it in a materialistic culture's legal system, in sharp contrast to indigenous people's relationship to the land and the emerging Gaian paradigm. 224 pp., pb.
Earth Energies
Needles of Stone Revisited—Tom Graves (Gothic Image. 1978, 1986)—best summary of Earth Energies research at megalithic sites conducted by dowsers, archaeologists, parapsychologists and physicists. 277 pp., pb
Places of Power: Secret Energies at Ancient Sites—Guide to Observed or Measured Phenomena—Paul Devereux (Blandford/Sterling. 1990)—latest report on the discoveries of the Dragon Project and others using interdisciplinary scientific and psychic means to investigate the enigmatic energies at British sacred sites. Chronicles anomalous magnetism, radiation, ultrasound, lights, pulsing stones and seasonally specific phenomena at specific megalithic and natural sites, which makes it a valuable guide for travelers. 224 pp., pb.
The New View Over Atlantis—John Michell ( 1969; revised 1989)—the book that sparked the modern revival of earth mysteries studies. Covers geomancy, sacred number, sacred geometry, UFOs, astronomical alignments, etc. Michell argues that ancient megalith builders knew about earth energies, that the interrelated units of measure used in monuments worldwide were derived from the earth's size and shape, and that ley alignments and megalithic science are remnants of Atlantean science. 224 pp., pb.
Sacred Space Handbook—Sig Lonegren (2012)–an e/iBook that will help you gather information in sacred spaces, including archaeo-astronomy, sacred geometry, the Earth Energies and other data. This will prepare you for the real work: experiencing the Spiritual Realms directly for yourself. An update of Sig’s Earth Mysteries Handbook: Wholistic Non-Intrusive Data Gathering Techniques from 1985, which has long been the most useful guide for those ready to do their own exploring of Earth Mysteries at sacred sites and power spots. (Find information about how to get it as an eBook/iBook, on - on the “Resources/Books by Sig” page.) 72 pg.
Circles of Silence—Don Robbins (Souvenir. 1985)—report of scientific studies into earth energy patterns at megalithic sites in Britain (especially the Rollright Stones) from the early years of the Dragon Project, the longest running Earth Mysteries research project. Discoveries of energy pulses that fluctuate seasonally, ultrasound emissions from the stones, electromagnetic anomalies within the stone rings, etc. 176 pp., hb.
Ancient Astronomy
Secrets of the Stones (aka A Little History of Astro-Archaeology)—John Michell (Inner Tradition. 1977)—fascinating, concise account of the 300-year history of the modern discoveries of astronomical alignments at Egyptian and Greek temples and European megalithic monuments. A great overview of the main explorers and the rise and fall of their various theories. 128 pp., pb.
Crop Circles
Secrets in the Fields: The Science and Mysticism of Crop Circles—Freddy Silva. The most widely acclaimed and complete story of the crop circle phenomenon.
Ley Alignments
The New Ley Hunter's Guide—Paul Devereux (Gothic Image, Glastonbury, 1979, 1992)—modern update of investigation of ley alignments; with overview of historical background, new statistical standards and ley-hunting methods, connections between leys and ESP, and comparison with straight tracks in America and Europe. Detailed description of 40 statistically significant leys. 162 pp., pb.