Bio & CV

My Work in the World - A Biographical sketch

Richard Feather Anderson, B.Sc. Architecture, is an internationally recognized pioneer in the revival of feng shui, geomancy, sacred geometry, and labyrinths and is one of the longest practicing geomancers in America, with over forty years of experience. He started one of the first geomancy training programs in America in 1985, and has been designated a feng shui master and luminary by Feng Shui Institute International. He was feng shui advisor for Esalen Institute’s sustainability plan, the design consultant for creating the first permanent labyrinth in an American church at San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral, and taught sacred geometry in one of Veriditas’ first pilgrimage programs at Chartres Cathedral in France. He was one of the first people in America to talk about walking labyrinths for spiritual development and to develop techniques to lay them out on the ground - starting way back in the early 1980’s. He conducted a seminal study of the benefits of walking labyrinths at the West Coast Conference of the American Society of Dowsers at UC Santa Cruz from 1986 to 1989.

Richard is on the faculty at the Globe Sound & Consciousness Institute in San Francisco and the Golden Gate Feng Shui School in Oakland. He previously taught in the EcoDwelling and EcoAgriculture programs at New College of California in Santa Rosa, CA.

Richard originally trained and worked as an architect, but then moved on to explore spiritual development through metaphysics, shamanism, Earth Mysteries, and European Goddess religions. After eight years of training and practice, he was initiated as a priest in the feminist Faerie Tradition and later ordained as a minister in a Mystical Christian order.

Introduced to geomantic wisdom in childhood, Richard continued his studies in Feng Shui with the late Grandmaster Lin Yun, Rinpoche, the lineage holder of Black Hat Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, who was largely responsible for bringing feng shui into the mainstream of the western world; in sacred architecture with Dr. Keith Critchlow, Professor Emeritus of the Prince of Wales Institute of Architecture, who is regarded as one of the greatest living masters of sacred architecture, sacred geometry, Islamic sacred art and the Platonic-Pythagorean Mystery School teachings; and in Earth Mysteries with the world’s leading experts, especially the scientific and metaphysical investigators of the pre-eminent British Dragon Project.

Richard continually generates new insights into and applications for sacred architecture, environmental psychology, feng shui, deep ecology, Earth Mysteries, earth acupuncture, symbolic geometry and ancient philosophies to create a more harmonious world. His many contributions of theories and methods to the global geomantic knowledge base have earned him the accolades of many colleagues who describe him as one of the most original thinkers of our times.

For example, Richard distilled the vast body of information from multi-cultural traditions into a set of universal environmental design principles in his “Language of Placemaking Patterns and Principles.” His “Center, Boundary, Gateway Model” identified the elements needed to create a sense of place, community and identity for individuals, groups and nations. He combined the perspectives of Land Form Feng Shui, western geomancy, native American sacred geography, bioregionalism, geology, meteorology, ecology, and natural history to formulate a process to understand the spirit of place of entire regions, which he called “Regional Geomancy.”

Richard’s “Four Pairs Approach” to the Ba Gua revealed that the eight trigrams actually represent four sets of archetypal polarities, rather than eight separate aspects of life, which has led to more holistic psychological adjustments of place energies. He clarified the common confusions about the Chinese Five Elements Theory by re-visioning it as the “Five Dynamics.” Combining his background in architecture and environmental psychology, he added the “Feng Shui of Entrances,” the “Single Theme,” and the “Signature Symbol” concepts to feng shui practice.

Other innovations include: several mystical ways to use the classic labyrinth and metaphysical explanations for its ability to transform consciousness; simplified teaching methods to make the more esoteric and amazing aspects of symbolic geometry accessible and useful to everyone; and a revolutionary synthesis of Celtic geomancy, cosmology, Irish mythology, and the pre-Celtic sources of the Arthurian legends into a modern medicine wheel model for self-actualization, organizational development, and regional geomancy that he calls the “Five Voices of the Land & its People.”

Through seminars and feng shui and building design consultations, Richard is always creating new ways to use ancient wisdom to create a more harmonious world. He is well-known for generously sharing his knowledge in an experiential way with passion and humor.

Curriculum Vitae – Education & Professional Life

Richard’s training in geomantic awareness began at an early age with field study in ecology, bioregionalism and landscape reading with the leading botanists and ornithologists in and around West Virginia; was supported by a long-standing family heritage of spiritual study and teaching; and has developed through a wide range of formal education and life experiences.

1966-72 B. Sc. in Architecture from University of Cincinnati with thesis work in environmental psychology.

1966-73 Architectural Designer for Welton Becket, San Francisco; City of Cincinnati, Urban Development Dept.; and Gandee, Thomas & Sprouse, Architects, Charleston, WV.

1973-81 Interior design and remodeling business, utilizing environmental psychology.

1972-78 Hatha Yoga student with Walter Biondi at Integral Yoga Institute, San Francisco, mastering his technique of guided imagery.

Taught yoga classes independently.

1974-78 Studied shamanism, European Goddess Religion and seasonal myths and rituals, including Fairy Tradition, Huna and native American traditions, with Caradoc ap Cador and Eldri Littlewolf.

Studied Celtic culture and mythology through Institute of Celtic Studies, particularly Jim Duran, PhD, leading authority on sacred kingship.

Received teachings from oral traditions of the pre-Celtic Mysteries, including precursors of the Arthurian legends that depict him as a geomancer and sacred ruler.

Completed traditional solo vision quest in Colorado Rockies wilderness.

1976 Attended a series of classes, “Towards an American Geomancy,” taught by Steven Post, which gave me a survey of worldwide traditions and sources of published information.

1979-81 Studied Earth Mysteries, megalithic science, dowsing, the physics of quartz crystals, and sacred geometry with Danaan Parry, PhD, author of The Essene Book of Days and Warriors of the Heart, co-founder of the Earthstewards Network and Gentle Warrior trainings.

1979-83 Led classes and large public rituals with Reclaiming, a center for feminist spirituality, founded by Starhawk; developed the first classes in men's mysteries; co-led Reclaiming’s magical training program-tour in Ireland.

1982-83 Ministerial ordination. Traveled nationwide, creating men's mysteries circles.

1981-87 Leader of main ritual events and opening workshops at California Men's Gatherings. Coordinator of 1987 Gathering Planning Committee.

1983-85 Editor of the Berkeley Ecology Center Newsletter and volunteer co-ordinator.

1985 Apprenticed with 14 of the world’s leading experts on geomancy, earth mysteries and dowsing, conducting research at major sacred sites of England and Wales. Accepted as a knowledgeable colleague and urged to teach geomancy and Earth Mysteries in the U.S.

  • Sig Lonegren, a foremost Earth Mysteries dowser, confirmed my dowsing accuracy and inspired deeper work with labyrinths and sacred geometry.

  • Tom Graves gave me a radically different approach to teach dowsing (His Diviner's Handbook is regarded as one of the only books that succeeds in teaching how to dowse).

  • Paul Devereux and John Steele, co-founders of the Dragon Project, the longest running interdisciplinary Earth Mysteries research project, educated me about their methods and discoveries of anomalous phenomena.

  • John Michell, who has written and researched more about geomancy and Earth Mysteries than anyone else, encouraged me with great interest in my research methods and gave me a sense of the value of the experience-based knowledge I had already acquired.

1985 Founded the Westcoast Institute of Sacred Ecology in Berkeley, CA;

Spread awareness of geomancy through educational programs, publications;

Created the first Geomantic Design Group, and seeded several other geomantic institutions.

1986-88 Created and directed the first “Labyrinth Project” to document the beneficial effects of walking labyrinths, at the West Coast Conference of the Am. Society of Dowsers.

1987 Began training as a sacred circle dance teacher with Howard Siegel, one of the founders of the first sacred circle dance group in America.

1987-2009 Trained intensively in sacred geometry, harmonics, Islamic sacred art, and Pythagorean wisdom with Dr. Keith Critchlow, Professor Emeritus of the Prince of Wales Institute of Architecture, author of Order in Space, Islamic Patterns, Time Stands Still, and Hidden Geometry of Flowers.

1987-2011 Studied Feng Shui, Chinese philosophy, qi-enhancing and balancing adjustment techniques with Prof. Thomas Lin Yun, Grand Master of Black Sect Tibetan Tantric Buddhism.

1991-95 Design consultant to Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, for the first permanent reproduction of the Chartres Cathedral labyrinth in an American church.

1999-2004 Leader of Sonoma County Sacred Circle Dance Group.

2000-02 Site Planning consultant to Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA for new ecologically sustainable master plan.

2003-present Faculty at Globe Sound & Consciousness Institute, San Francisco, CA (originally called the California Institute of Psycho-Acoustics), teaching the geometry of matter and consciousness, symbolism of geometrical shapes and grids, geometrical visualization for sound healing treatments, musical harmonics, architecture as “frozen music,” and good feng shui for sound healing treatment rooms.

2005 Designated Feng Shui Master and Luminary by Feng Shui Institute International.

2006-08 Core faculty at New College of California at the Santa Rosa campus, teaching geomancy, feng shui, dowsing, and natural proportions in the EcoDwelling program.

Taught classes in the EcoAgriculture program and Community Education Series.

Advised students on their BA and MA thesis projects.

2014-present Faculty at Golden Gate Feng Shui School, Oakland, CA, teaching course in landform and topography, regional geomancy, sacred geography, and sensing the presence of place.

Public Speaking & Teaching Engagements

Faculty/Independent Study Mentor:

  • Globe Sound & Consciousness Institute, SF

  • New College of Calif., Santa Rosa, CA

  • Golden Gate Feng Shui School, Oakland, CA

  • Prescott College, Prescott, AZ

  • California Institute of Integral Studies, SF

Lectures and Seminars at Educational Institutions:

  • ClearSight Japan/JMA, Tokyo

  • San Francisco Institute of Architecture

  • Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA

  • University of California, Berkeley, CA

  • Dallas Institute, Dallas, TX

  • San Francisco State University

  • Vesica Institute, Asheville, NC

  • Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA

  • Metaphysical Center of New Jersey

  • Chinook Learning Center, Clinton, WA

Speaker at Conferences and Seminars:

  • Veriditas Labyrinth Pilgrimage, Chartres Cathedral, France – faculty, symbolic geometry

  • Esalen 2000, Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA – geomancy seminar & Long Range Plan reports

  • Spirit in Work Symposium, Orcas Island, WA – keynote presenter

  • Feng Shui Institute of America Conferences, NM, FL & Kripalu Center, Lenox, MA

  • First International Feng Shui Conference, San Diego, CA

  • International Feng Shui & Sacred Geometry Conference, San Luis Obispo & San Diego, CA

  • Labyrinth Society Conferences, MA, MN, Sacramento, Denver, St. Louis, Omega Institute

  • Spirit of Place Conferences, San Francisco & University of California, Davis

  • Timeless Architecture Symposium, Newton, MA

  • Workspace '88/Interior Design Convention, San Francisco, CA – panel with Prof. Lin Yun

  • West Coast Moot/Earth Mysteries Gatherings, Westerbeke Retreat Center, Sonoma, CA

  • Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship Great Lakes Retreats, Olivet College, MI

  • American Society of Dowsers Conferences:

    • National Conventions, VT – speaker, instructor in Dowsing School and Earth Mysteries School, post-convention workshop teacher

    • West Coast Conferences, U.C. Santa Cruz – Labyrinth Project Director, program co-coordinator, keynote speaker, teacher in advanced dowsing & children’s mystery schools

    • Midwest Conference, Denver, CO; and Southwest Conference, Flagstaff, AZ

  • British Society of Dowsers Congress, York, UK – speaker and post-Congress workshop leader

Television and Radio Interviews

  • "A Better World," Manhattan Cable 3, NYC

  • "New Horizons," KPFA, Berkeley, CA

  • Feng Shui Radio

  • “What the Bleep” internet Radio

Published Works


  • "Divining the Spirit of Place." cover article, Yoga Journal. 70 (Sept. l986), pp. 27-31, 56-59.

  • "Geomancy: The Ancient Science of Earth Energy." Utne Reader. 23 (Sept./Oct. l987), pp. 73-4.

  • "Geomancy: Divining Earth Energies and Rhythms." The Trumpeter: Voices from the Canadian Ecophilosophy Network. 2, no. 4 (Fall 1985), pp. 13-17.

  • "The W.I.S.E. Approach: Geomancer Richard Feather Anderson and Associates Apply Ancient Principles of Placemaking." Design Spirit. 1, no. 2 (Summer 1989), pp. 10-12.

  • "Guidelines for Creating Places for Peace from a Geomantic Perspective." Places for Peace: Proceedings of the 1988 World Congress of the International Federation of Landscape Architects. pp. 119-27.

  • "Geomancy." in The Power of Place: Sacred Ground in Natural & Human Environments. James Swan, ed. Wheaton, IL, Quest Books, 1991, pp. 191-200.

  • "Divining the Earth's Spirit." in Antero Alli. All Rites Reversed?! Ritual Technology for Self-Initiation. New Falcon, 1987, pp. 133-37.

Feng Shui:

  • "Dowsing and Feng-Shui." Chapter in Sig Lonegren, ed. The Dowsing Rod Kit. Boston, Charles E. Tuttle, 1995. pp. 63-83.

  • “The ‘Four-Pairs Approach’ to the Ba Gua,” in Building with Nature. 19 (Apr. 1998), pp.9-11.

On Sacred Geometry:

  • “The Benefits of Applying Nature's Laws of Harmony.” Conscious Design. April, 2007.

Earth Mysteries:

  • "Earth Energies, Megaliths, Sacred Sites and Human Consciousness." Living Tree Journal. Bolinas, CA, Living Tree Centre, 1987, pp. 20-23.

Seasonal Cycles:

  • M: Gentle Men for Gender Justice (now Changing Men): series of four articles, 1979-1980

Ecology and Bioregionalism:

  • "East Bay as Bioregion" issue. Ecology Center Newsletter. XIV, No. 8 (Aug. l984), pp. 1-7.