Feng Shui Design
Adapted to American Culture
Richard can help you be more in love with the places where you live and work:
by re-designing the layout of your space,
by re-arranging things to better serve your needs,
and by re-decorating to feed your soul.
A Feng Shui Consultation can transform your outlook on life and increase your happiness and effectiveness.
Become more aware of how your environment affects your life.
Resolve problems in your home or workplace that get in your way, knock you off balance, or limit your success.
Create a cohesive, harmonious environment by applying the common-sense principles of good environmental design.
Space Attunement for your Whole Being
Richard can help you design or plan the use of your living and working spaces to meet not only your physical needs, but even more importantly, your psychological and spiritual needs, so that you really love being there.
Richard’s consultations go beyond applying text-book solutions. He explains Feng Shui's underlying principles so you understand how your environment affects you; then, together, you both create unique solutions that fit your situation and aesthetics. As a result, his clients report feeling newly enthused about their spaces, empowered to make changes, and re-energized.
If you have a place that doesn’t feel great, look beautiful, or support your activities — take this opportunity to benefit from a feng shui master’s uncanny ability to see problems or options you haven’t recognized, and to give you insights and solutions – beyond your expectations.
The feeling of a basement apartment was dramatically transformed by turning the posts and beam, which chopped the room in half and felt like a barrier, into a portico that became a visual and physical gateway that unified the space - just by adding a few arches. An example of the benefits of adding environmental psychology to creative feng shui design. Furniture was also moved to take advantage of views into the lovely garden.
Adding a new entry porch solved this “invisible door”issue - the fact that visitors could not see where the front door was, and thus didn’t know how to connect with the occupant. The new entry says, “Welcome” and draws the support of the world into the home.
Some of the Benefits of Richard’s Unique Way of Working with You:
Greater Awareness of the problems and negative influences in your environment of which you have not been conscious.
Numerous Unexpected Options for how to improve the function and beauty of your living and work spaces.
Renewed Vitality and a sense of relief when you get the remedy for something that's been bugging you.
Comfort and Ease a real feeling of joy when your office or work space is transformed into a sanctuary that makes you more productive.
Increased Harmony from suggestions for creative feng shui adjustments that are adapted to American culture and fit into your personal aesthetic.
Beyond your Expectations!
“You did in thirty minutes, what took me thirty days to figure out – a complete deciphering of the problems with this messed-up house and how to solve every issue with a doable remodeling plan.” — contractor/realtor, Sonoma, CA
“Words can barely describe how much I appreciate Richard and his knowledge of Feng Shui. I was moving into a new apartment and had Richard come to advise me on the placement of things. Instead of just saying, ‘Put this here; put that there,’ he actually spent time with me explaining how Feng Shui works, and the movement of energies within my place. It was an education for me to see the flow of energy from a new perspective. His insights, and especially his way of communicating his knowledge, is outstanding. What a special gift Richard is to this world!” — Patricia Haller, certified Unity Teacher, Grass Valley, CA
“Richard is the only Feng Shui person I know who deals with the problems of culturally-specific rules that don’t make sense for America. He has created a ‘Geomancy for Westerners,’ by pulling out the universal principles of good design, and filtering out the rules that are only relevant if you live in the hot climate of India or the cold, windy plains of northern China.” — Claudia Cleaver, architect, Petaluma, CA
"Such a transformation! Instead of thinking I need to move, I now enjoy living here. Your rearrangement doubled my usable space, relieved the constrained chi in my stomach, and has helped me sleep better. — Michael Tarplee, R.N., acupuncturist
“The great thing about Richard’s work is that he explains the energetic dynamics underlying his suggestions. Not only did I come away with wonderful ideas that I implemented, I got an understanding of the principles involved. He gets my highest recommendation for a person to work with in the art and science of improving a physical environment. Many people call this Feng Shui, and it is, but Richard brings in so much more expertise than one single discipline that it is hard to capture the added value he brings. Richard is a true Master - his insights for my work space and home were sometimes subtle, often powerful, and made where I live and work a more functional, beautiful and simply a more pleasant place to be." — Jeffrey Schmidt, Founder, DeepSky Marketing
"Richard Feather Anderson is among the most original thinkers of our times. His powers of observation and interpretation constantly generate original insights into and expand the ways to use Feng Shui." — Nancilee Wydra, Founder, Feng Shui Institute of America
If your front door is obscured, you can always roll out a “red carpet” to guide people to be able to find you. The red handrail even points to the door.
Imagine walking up onto the porch on the left. How do you feel? As if the room above is pressing down on you? Like you’ve just walked into the jaws of a spooky haunted house?
I love showing these two pictures in slide shows. Most people can’t believe they’re the same house, and ask me to switch back and forth between them.
The formulaic feng shui solutions would be to shine lights up at the overhang or add angle brackets to visually push the beam upward. None of those would have worked in this case. Can you figure out what we did - and why?
Further Thoughts about Feng Shui
The popularization of Feng Shui has made this ancient wisdom available to the whole world. And that’s a good thing! Unfortunately, when esoteric knowledge enters the mainstream, it often gets watered down, trivialized and presented in superficial ways. Many have embraced Feng Shui as a magic bullet, in the hope that the recommended adjustments to one’s environment will immediately create dramatic shifts in one’s personality, dysfunctional behaviors or psychological issues, without having to do any of the soul-searching, honest re-evaluation and spiritual transformational work that is a more traditional approach.
My primary Feng Shui teacher and spiritual guru, Master Lin Yun, constantly emphasized that Feng Shui is the fourth most effective way to change yourself and your life. He believed that working directly on yourself through a spiritual practice is the most effective path.
My primary interest in offering Feng Shui consultations is to work with individuals who are on a spiritual path, and want to use Feng Shui to make changes to their environment to give greater support to their inner work - not as a substitute for the inner work.