Recordings & Booklets by Richard Feather Anderson


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An overview of multifaceted holistic science of geomancy, and how it has been used to maintain harmony between humanity and the earth — by divining the most appropriate place, time and orientation for activities and buildings; by attuning to regional qualities, the lay of the land, seasonal rhythms, and earth energies; and by shaping buildings according to the universal proportions and geometry of life.  Richard outlines his "center, boundary, gateways" model on the essential elements of creating sense of place, community and self. Historical and contemporary examples discussed. From seminar at Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture, Sept., 1990. (120 min.)

A greatly expanded collection of previously published essays and unpublished manuscripts, which gives an overview of geomancy, its history, principles and practical applications. The sections move through the many different ways to create a stronger sense of connection to the places we inhabit, involving issues of orientation, awareness of natural cycles, finding the right place for activities, sensing subtle energies, and using natural proportions to shape dwellings. The scope reflects Richard's broad all-inclusive approach to geomancy, which integrates more disciplines than other practitioners. Suggests the interrelationships of place-making, cosmology, Gaian paradigm, earth stewardship, earth energies, sacred sites, astronomy-astrology, earth-centered rituals, architecture and sacred geometry — and ends with a vision of ways to re-apply geomancy in the modern world. 26 pp.

Earth Mysteries

A concise introduction to the Earth Mysteries investigations of the patterns of Earth Energies found at sacred sites, and their effects on human awareness. Summary of observations and theories of the greatest network of Earth Mysteries researchers in America and Europe. Includes the connections between “energy leys,” “primary water,” and the balancing and expansion of human energy fields, and thoughts about the use of megalithic temples as places for transformation and rites of passage. 6 pp.

A profusely illustrated presentation given to Sedona chapter of Am. Soc. of Dowsers. Discusses the many ways that earth energies at power spots affect human consciousness. What role do megalithic temples play in personal transformation, reconnection with the Earth Spirit, and healing the Earth? Was the ley system humanity’s first Internet? Are standing stones earth acupuncture needles that maintain the Earth’s fertility? Learn about the variety of mysterious energies explored by geomancers, dowsers and the British Dragon Project since the 1970’s. Visit some of the most spectacular stone rings, passage mounds and sacred places in Europe and America via Richard’s photos. 135 min.

Since returning from the 1985 Am. Society of Dowsers British Earth Mysteries Study Tour, Richard has been making pilgrimages to a standing stone circle on Mt. Tamalpais and some dolmens and mounds on Pt. Reyes. He has felt the effects of Earth Energies, maintained an ongoing conversation with guardian spirits, stumbled onto ways to activate the energetic matrix of an ancient site, and been blown away by the shifts in awareness that megalithic sites can catalyze in human visitors. This talk was a memoir on 33 years of learning from the Spirit of Place. (Video Recording from West Coast Conference, Am Soc of Dowsers, 2018) 75 min.

Learn about the wide range of earth acupuncture techniques that dowsers, shamans, geomancers, and feng shui masters have developed - to release blocked earth energy lines, transform veins of underground water detrimental to human health, and create the most beneficial places for us to live. Richard will describe the results of his experiments to protect trees from “sudden oak death syndrome” by combining acupuncture with what he learned building medicine wheels, labyrinths, and sacred geometry models and dowsing around ancient stone circles. Richard will also share his discoveries that he got better results giving declining fruit trees a cosmic chi infusion when he used copper “French Coils” together with working in concert with Tree Spirits, plant devas, and landscape angels. Come and expand your concept of what you can accomplish with a combination of dowsing, energy channeling, a love of the Earth, and an attitude of humbly allowing multi-dimensional consciousness to direct this transformational work. (Video Recording from West Coast Conference, Am Soc of Dowsers, 2012) 75 min.

Richard shares the unexpected surprises he got when he asked the tree spirits of several dozen young fruit trees if they would benefit from his applying “French Coils” around them. This technique typically uses copper wire coiled around a tree trunk to create an antenna that draws in cosmic energy to boost the tree’s life force, so it can produce more fruit and resist diseases and harmful insects. Through dowsing and interspecies communication methods, Richard received instructions to make copper helices instead of coils – two antennas of different lengths that mimicked mathematical musical harmonic ratios. Are these trees asking for a sound-healing treatment? Do these helices generate a beneficial harmonic field around the plants? Join in the exploration of a new approach to Earth Healing. (Audio Recording from West Coast Conference, Am Soc of Dowsers, 2014) 75 min.

Do you know what matters most when arranging furniture or planting a garden? Dowsing can lead to the most unexpected answers! Learn how to use dowsing as a fundamental feng shui tool, to “see” the natural chi paths, find hidden problems, and determine which feng shui problems are most important to resolve, and which remedy will be most effective. Hear about using geomancy to address sudden oak death syndrome. Explore how to read plant health by dowsing their auras, and the flow of cosmic qi into their energetic doorways. Richard Feather will share techniques he has developed over the last 35 years of professional practice. (Video Recording from West Coast Conference, Am Soc of Dowsers, 2006) 75 min.

Earth Cycles

Four essays on ancient seasonal customs, myths and rituals that are the basis of current American holidays, with ideas on how to update them to our modern world. Plus Wheel of the Year diagram and “Seasonal Contemplations,” a set of poetic musings on each of the eight earth-centered festivals, to help one feel the Earth’s cycles as emotional rhythms within. 25 pp.

Sacred Geometry

Description of the eight patterns that Nature uses to create and sustain all life on planet Earth. Each pattern allows Nature to function efficiently, using the least amount of energy and matter, thus conserving its resources. Examples are given of how the patterns manifest in the forms and dynamic forces of Nature. Knowing these patterns enables you to see the world more fully, understand the basis of feng shui and ecology, and understand the archetypal power of single-path labyrinths. 4 pp.

Receive a new perspective on life that may change your sense of reality forever! How can we apply knowledge from sacred geometry to manifest intentions, enhance intuition with the art of dowsing, and evolve human consciousness? This lively illustrated presentation explores how geometry guides energy into matter, gives identity to all forms of life, and creates harmony between all things. Geometry is the ultimate tool of creation. All things arise out of and are maintained in material form by a geometrical field of resonance. Without geometry, everything would be lost in a chaotic sea of separation, disconnection and estrangement. Learn why Richard says, “without geometry, existence could not exist!” (Video Recording from Am. Soc. of Dowsers West Coast Conference, 2008) 75 min.

Explores the eternal question of “what is beauty?” from the perspective of symbolic geometry, sacred architecture, and ancient Mystery Schools. Includes replacing natural proportions as an essential, yet forgotten, component of feng shui design; application of the “law of three” to create good entrances and sense of place; and application of the eight patterns of Nature to understand spatial dynamics and psychological effects of an environment on human relationships. An overview of Claude Bragdon’s brilliant application of Pythagorean “First Principles” and laws of natural beauty to architectural design. Concludes with Richard’s theories on the perception of beauty, and the states of consciousness to enter into to create beautiful forms. (from lectures at international Feng Shui conferences, 1999-2004)  28 pp.

Feng Shui

Let common-sense explanations of feng shui principles guide you to adapt this ancient wisdom to modern life. Richard explains how the guidelines to find the right place and arrange our living spaces emerged from observations of wind and water moving around forms in the landscape. He was the first to write about using dowsing as a feng shui tool to “see” paths of “Qi” and to remove blocks to the flow of abundance. He also developed new ways to use the Ba Gua, or Chinese cosmological “medicine wheel,” to foster personal growth. Richard will show innovative solutions to common problems of dysfunctional room layouts and awkward circulation patterns that will inspire you to apply them in your own spaces. Fall in love with your surroundings again and let your home support your goals and spiritual growth. (Video Recording from Am. Soc. of Dowsers West Coast Conference, 2010) 75 min.

Richard’s interpretation of the Ba Gua, or “eight trigrams” (the Chinese cosmological mandala and basis of the "I Ching"), which gives a new way to read and use it for feng shui analysis and self knowledge. This approach treats the ba gua as four complementary pairs of archetypal creative forces, rather than eight separate ideas. It makes the wisdom of the ba gua more accessible by translating ancient Chinese ideals into modern American equivalents. This approach was generated by applying numerology, geometry, psychology and astrology to the interpretation of the ba gua, and by comparing it to other cosmological mandalas and oracular systems. It reveals how energy naturally circulates between the polarities of each aspect of life, represented by opposite guas. Consciously linking the pairs in one's life and environment amplifies the benefits of feng shui adjustments. Now includes the “How to Remember the Guas” sheet of extremely simple mental images to help connect the trigram names to the primal forces they represent. 15 pp.

Richard’s breakthrough, of unraveling the assumption that the Chinese and Western elements describe the same phenomena, offers a way out of the confusion most westerners experience - by revealing the essence of the original Chinese insights. Realizing that wood, water, metal, etc. merely refer to one example of each element, he presents alternate terms that refer to their dynamic impulses that create changes in life. Includes the first diagram to illustrate the interrelationships between all four of the Chinese cycles of changing dynamics, enabling one to make more complete and sophisticated use of the theory for feng shui adjustments. 6 pp.


Part I covers the origins, common elements and different types of labyrinths; their meanings as archetypal symbols; their functions as metaphors as well as physical pathways for the transformative journey; and relationship to geomancy, dowsing, death-rebirth rituals, hopscotch, etc. Results of seminal study of the effects of labyrinths on human awareness and energy field, and physical and psychological balancing. Humorous re-enactment of walking the labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral when covered by chairs.

Part II includes Richard's discovery of some of the most important universal patterns of life encoded within the 7-circuit unicursal (Cretan/Hopi) and Chartres Cathedral labyrinths. Connections between these labyrinths and medicine wheels, Celtic cross, Kabala tree of life, Holy Grail, human chakras, color spectrum, vortex ring/torus donut shape used in physics to model how light energy stabilizes to come into material form. (From the British Society of Dowser's International Congress, York, England, 1991)  120 min. (Note: There are a few places where the video will hiccup for a second and then continue playing.)

New Greatly Expanded Booklet — Intended to provide the most important basic information about labyrinths to those who are just discovering them and wanting to learn how to use them and share them with others. Included: How to describe labyrinths; Why there is a revival; Many ways to traverse them and simple experiments to try; Beneficial effects; How to draw an ancient 7-circuit unicursal labyrinth; Historical information on the Classic and the Chartres Cathedral labyrinths; history of the beginnings of the revival in America; A seven-fold labyrinth meditation, relating the chakras to the seven rings of an ancient labyrinth; The seven levels of initiation into labyrinth mysteries; How to lead the Appleton Partnered Group Dance; How to approach the siting and creation of labyrinths; Range of materials from which to create labyrinths.  22 pp.

Hear an expanded story of Richard’s documentation of the benefits of walking labyrinths from 1986 Labyrinth Research Project, which included centering, focusing, rejuvenation and release of emotional blocks; physical and psychological balancing; the expansion of auras (human energy fields), and reception of fresh insights. Hear revolutionary theories on why labyrinths stimulate insights and transformative states - without years of spiritual practice. More details on why labyrinth meditations can facilitate the next step in the evolution of human consciousness. (Video Recording from Am. Soc. of Dowsers West Coast Conference, 2016)  75 min.

Hear about the early gestation of what is now known as the labyrinth revival, from one who innocently helped to ignite the spark, motivated by purely personal fascination. Richard will share stories of what it was like trying to get hesitant people to set foot in a totally unfamiliar, mysterious object; to explore and document what happened to people when they did; and to figure out how to lay labyrinths out on the ground, so people could walk the path. How did re-birthing labyrinths within the American community of dowsers and geomancers influence the direction we took in the early days? Richard will also reveal how the labyrinth transformed him and, in so doing, radically changed his conception of what the labyrinth was all about. He will review his early visions of the labyrinth’s potential, and discuss how the global community has met many, but not all, of those dreams. Thinking about the future, what potentials are we missing, and how can we fulfill them? (Video Recording of keynote presentation at 30th Anniversary Labyrinth Society Gathering, 2018)

Sacred Geography

A radically different, fresh point of view on creation of sacred space. Explores connections between the processes involved in personal, spiritual development and the building of temples. Offers insight into the next step in the evolution of human consciousness. (from keynote presentation at Am Soc Dowsers Westcoast Conference, 1994) 8 pp.

A pathway for the Soul's journey toward wholeness, which leads one to explore the basic archetypes of lover, caretaker, protector and seer, and to create a fifth archetype, the sacred ruler, integrator or peacemaker, in the center of the psyche. A Celtic Ba Gua to find the right directional quarter for activities. A new synthesis of Irish mythology, cosmology, geomancy and ethical codes. Essay with diagrams and tables from the workshop. 19 pp.

A comprehensive outline of procedures that anyone can use to guide you through a process to get to know the region in which you live intimately. Using approaches from western geomancy, land form feng shui, sacred geography, watershed mapping, dowsing and bioregionalism, you can come to understand the eternal underlying characteristics or spirit of place, and how they have been generated by the geology, geography, weather patterns, climate, and biological habitats. Outline questions will suggest where and how to observe the patterns of place to determine the center and edges of, and natural gateways into, your region. Outline can also be used to analyze social and political conflicts, understand the hidden source in the land patterns, and suggest alterations to the natural and human-generated landscape to resolve the problems. 7 pp.