Celebrating Earth Cycles - Booklet

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E Cycles Bklt cover.jpg

Celebrating Earth Cycles - Booklet


Richard will share the unexpected surprises he got this last year when he asked the tree spirits of several dozen young fruit trees if they would benefit from applying “French Coils” around them. This technique typically uses copper wire coiled around a tree trunk to create an antenna that draws in cosmic energy to boost the tree’s life force, so it can produce more fruit and resist diseases and harmful insects. But this time, each tree asked for something different, resulting in a new development in earth acupuncture. Through dowsing and interspecies communication, Richard received instructions to make two small helices instead of a coil - with two antennas of different lengths that mimicked musical harmonic ratios. Are these trees asking for a sound healing treatment? Do these helix antennas generate a beneficial harmonic field around the plants? Come explore a new approach to earth healing. (Audio Recording from 2014 West Coast Confer-ence, Am. Soc. of Dowsers, UC Santa Cruz, CA. 75 min.)

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