Dowsing Discoveries at Megalithic Power Spots in the San Francisco Bay Area - Video Recording

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Dowsing Discoveries at Megalithic Power Spots in the San Francisco Bay Area - Video Recording


Since returning from the 1985 Am. Society of Dowsers British Earth Mysteries Study Tour, Richard Feather has been making pilgrimages to a standing stone circle on Mt. Tamalpais and some dolmens and mounds on Pt. Reyes. He has felt the effects of Earth Energies, maintained an ongoing conversation with guardian spirits, stumbled onto ways to activate the energetic matrix of an ancient site, and been blown away by the shifts in awareness that megalithic sites can catalyze in human visitors. This talk was a memoir on 33 years of learning from the Spirit of Place. (Video Recording from West Coast Conference, Am Soc of Dowsers, 2018) 75 min.

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