Geomancy: The Art of Placement in Harmony with Natural Patterns - Expanded Booklet

Geomancy: The Art of Placement in Harmony with Natural Patterns - Expanded Booklet


A greatly expanded collection of previously published essays and unpublished manuscripts, which gives an overview of geomancy, its history, principles and practical applications. The sections move through the many different ways to create a stronger sense of connection to the places we inhabit, involving issues of orientation, awareness of natural cycles, finding the right place for activities, sensing subtle energies, and using natural proportions to shape dwellings. The scope reflects Richard's broad all-inclusive approach to geomancy, which integrates more disciplines than other practitioners. Suggests the interrelationships of place-making, cosmology, Gaian paradigm, earth stewardship, earth energies, sacred sites, astronomy-astrology, earth-centered rituals, architecture and sacred geometry — and ends with a vision of ways to re-apply geomancy in the modern world. 26 pp.

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