Labyrinths: As Transformative Pathways - Video Recording


Labyrinths: As Transformative Pathways - Video Recording


Part I covers the origins, common elements and different types of labyrinths; their meanings as archetypal symbols; their functions as metaphors as well as physical pathways for the transformative journey; and relationship to geomancy, dowsing, death-rebirth rituals, hopscotch, etc. Results of seminal study of the effects of labyrinths on human awareness and energy field, and physical and psychological balancing. Humorous re-enactment of walking the labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral when covered by chairs.

Part II includes Richard's discovery of some of the most important universal patterns of life encoded within the 7-circuit unicursal (Cretan/Hopi) and Chartres Cathedral labyrinths. Connections between these labyrinths and medicine wheels, Celtic cross, Kabala tree of life, Holy Grail, human chakras, color spectrum, vortex ring/torus donut shape used in physics to model how light energy stabilizes to come into material form. (From the British Society of Dowser's International Congress, York, England, 1991)  120 min.

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